Ofri Grynbaum

Parental guidance is a place that allows an individual to listen to oneself, to the other with whom they are, and to what their children tell them in words, in actions, through playing, while they are calm and in a storm.

Parental guidance is giving attention to the various ways in which their inner world is expressed and revealed, in order to approach the act of parenting with awareness and since of capability.

Every family is a system of its own which is created under unique conditions. An encounter between parents is like an encounter between cultures, each person is brought up in a specific fabric of norms and values, is equipped with specific tools, and faces different questions and difficulties, and so each house has its own dynamics. 

We want to understand what enables mutual groth, how to respect each other's boundaries, and what brings us closer together and deepens our relationship.

Our goal, in simple terms, is to strengthen the home.

Ofri Grynbaum