
Ofri played a crucial role in our journey to become a family through surrogacy. The process was long and complex, presenting us with numerous questions and challenges regarding parenthood, especially as gay parents. From establishing a connection with the surrogate and the challenges of a long-distance pregnancy to the tension arising when meeting a baby growing in a foreign womb, expectations, months and years of anticipation brought us to this moment, somewhat overwhelmed but lacking the tools to process the experience.

In our sessions with Ofri, we found a space to discuss everything without judgment, in a safe and pleasant environment. Ofri guided us from the very beginning and has been (and still is) an invaluable source of support in our initial steps as parents. She served not only as a consultant for questions and disputes between my partner and me but also as a place for thoughts and deliberations regarding our cherished home with the goal of being fulfilled parents and complementary partners.

The division of roles between us was not clear, and being a non-normative family, we had to grapple with many dilemmas, such as maternity leave, baby nutrition and care, the issue of the 'primary caregiver,' and more. Naturally, the subject raised questions between us about gender and identity, and in our meetings with Ofri, we managed to break down the topic, disconnect from cultural and social norms, and open a new channel of communication between us on these issues.

For same-sex couples embarking on a similar adventure, I warmly recommend utilizing Oferi's wonderful capabilities. Throughout the process, the guidance that surrogacy agencies provide focuses on the bureaucratic aspects, the checklist of tasks before and after birth, helping to push aside that this is an exciting and challenging experience. The crucial part is not registering with the Ministry of Interior or obtaining a passport but giving space to our thoughts, tensions, and dreams. For so many years, I imagined us as parents, and Ofri helped us translate those dreams into reality.

Amos (42) and Nadav (40), Tel Aviv

Ofri accompanies me in my parenting journey from the very beginning. In her unique way, with sensitivity and insight like no other, Ofri touches the dimensions of my parenting with empathy and respect, serving as an incredibly important voice in my life and family life. Thanks to her delicate listening, sensitivity to our nuances, and the insights she brings into our lives, we approach the challenges of parenting today with tools, security, and hope. Ofri helps us clarify our intentions, words, and actions as parents, individuals, a couple, and a family.

Wholehearted recommendation,

Maya (38), Works in the hi-tech industry, 2 children

When the bold desires of my three-year-old overwhelmed me, and the negative emotions I felt for her at frustrating moments disheartened me, Ofri became, for me, like a whisperer to mothers. Conversations with her are soothing and empowering, helping me understand myself and my daughter within the dynamics that daily life imposes on us at home and outside. They enable me to act with a sense of real choice within these situations. Ofri's profound knowledge and passion for children, parents, and the space in between are an asset for us.

Ronit (34), Paris

For a while, we noticed that Omer, our eldest at the age of 9, was having difficulty sleeping. He would wake up at night, come to our bed, and struggle to fall back asleep. We felt that something was going on, but couldn't quite understand what exactly. Due to the daily pressures, we couldn't even find the time to sit down, as parents, and discuss it properly. We turned to Ofri when we realized that Omer wasn't able to wake up in the morning, was looking for ways to avoid going to school, and the entire household was becoming unsettled due to these sleepless nights. We tried talking to him, but we felt we lacked the tools to approach him for a conversation, to get him to open up to us. It's not easy to admit that you need help with your child. We've become somewhat accustomed to being that couple who manages to bypass the obstacles that "regular" couples face. It was a blow to the ego.

With Ofri, we first managed to accept that Omer wasn't throwing tantrums or being defiant; he was expressing something very real that he was going through. We succeeded in looking at the problem with a more empathetic perspective. After accepting this, which wasn't easy, we began to formulate a strategy together to deal with Omer's difficulties. We learned how to reduce Omer's exposure to anxiety-inducing factors before bedtime. Ofri guided us on teaching Omer to put his fears and anxieties on a "ladder" to differentiate between fears and phobias, enabling us to identify what helps him. In the end, we constructed a "script" together for a conversation that would allow Omer to share with us what was troubling him. Once the conversation opened up, and Omer shared with us what was on his mind, we could start finding solutions. The household stabilized, and we felt stronger and more confident in our parenting. We feel that his trust in us has grown, and he now knows that there is no challenge we cannot overcome together.

Avi (38) and Talia (36), 3 children from the center of the country